Animated Short (2017)
Directors : Marc-Antoine Beineix, Kevan Canavar, Thibaud Chantrel, Yanis Levostre, Tahar Medjahed and Keizia Tel
Production : ESMA
My graduation animated film I did at ESMA - Montpellier back in 2017.
I wrote the original script, worked a bit on the character design and did a couple animations.
To my surprise, the short had a success with the general public, gathering more than 14 millions views.
Making it the 5th most watched video on the official ESMA Youtube page.
Somewhere, on a remote island, a Harpy is hatching her egg, but a vicious creature is going to steal it from her. She will have to defend it at any cost.
Music : Youssef L'Khalil Ben Hamida
Sound : José Vicente & Yoann Poncet – Studio des aviateurs
Voices : Keizia Tel - the Harpy